KAMIKAZE KARATE CLUB - KOBU MB The leading karate club in the region, est. 1991, founder and head trainer Karel Jedlicka, M.D., 6. Dan Karatedo, 2. Dan Judo, licensed I. class trainer of Charles University, licensed test comissar I. class. Our instructors : Ing. Petra Schiffmannova V. Dan, Ing. Zdenek Bidzilia I. Dan. External guarantees of our club : Late shihan Victor van der Wijngaarden, shihan Takeji OGAWA, shihan Karel Kesl. TRAININGS : Monday and Thursday DK MB. Our sportsmen won many gold medalls and republic-champion titles, but we always prefered creation of friendly atmosphere and good team. Older or physical less efficient members get chance for just health training, too. Club organizes every year summer camp in Bohemian Paradise near lake Jinolice below Prachov Mountains for karate students from whole the Europe. Since 1999 club got exclusive license to represent Kamikaze Company in CZ, SR and Ukraine. Division Aikido 1995 we founded the historical first aikido club in the area. Our instructors were : P. Komarek, K. Slapnicka, Dr. Kubat, M. Zaboj, Dr. Krumphanzl, Dr. Sebesta. External guarantee : grandmaster Edmund Kern. |